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Give Real Estate

Whether you give to support Johns Hopkins now or in the future, contributing real estate is a way to make a generous, tax-wise gift to Johns Hopkins.

There are different ways to give real estate, each with its own benefits to you and Johns Hopkins:

View more information about how to make a gift to Hopkins through Real Estate.

  • Make an outright gift and receive an income tax deduction.
  • Give through your will or trust and continue to use the real estate during your lifetime.
  • Put the real estate in a charitable remainder trust and receive a steady income stream and tax benefits.
  • Through a charitable bargain sale, sell the real estate and make a partial gift to qualify for an income tax deduction and avoid capital gains tax.

How to move forward:

Contact the Office of Gift Planning to discuss a potential gift of real estate. Call 800-548-1268 or email

To learn more, view the real estate information sheet.


What Will Your Legacy Be?

Further your financial goals and help Johns Hopkins with thoughtful gift planning.

Why I Give

"There was a feeling about this medal. My father's achievement was not just in science. It was in intellectual range, public service, and free knowledge," said Suzanne Richardson (near right) of her family's decision to donate alumnus Martin Rodbell's Nobel Prize Medal to Johns Hopkins.

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