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Give Through a Will or Trust

With thoughtful planning, you can leave a meaningful legacy to Johns Hopkins. Popular ways to make a legacy gift are through a will or trust. Your gift can support any area of Johns Hopkins, augment your current giving, and even establish an endowed fund.

A small image of the cover of a yellow brochure with image of a woman in a blue dress, a women in a lab coat, and two men, one in a while lab coat and the other in green scrubs.Advantages to you:

  • Remain in control of your assets during your lifetime
  • Modify your plans if your needs change
  • Leverage many assets, including cash, stock, and real estate

How it works:

If you’re considering a gift to Johns Hopkins in your plans, it is best to contact the Office of Gift Planning at 800-548-1268 or You can also get information about naming Johns Hopkins as a beneficiary of a retirement plan.

To learn more, view the will and trust information sheet.


What Will Your Legacy Be?

Explore more ways to make a gift for the future.

Why I Give

“I’ve had more joy and more peace in the last four years than I’ve ever had in my life,” says Randy Elrod, who, along with his wife Gina, made a legacy commitment to support psychedelic research.

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