Investing in the next generation of medical and research pioneers >

Get Involved

Johns Hopkins is incredibly fortunate to have a robust and dedicated volunteer community, as our volunteers play an important role by supporting the institution through their philanthropy, providing professional insight and expertise to leaders, and serving as compelling ambassadors — extending and strengthening our philanthropic reach through their networks.

The Office of Volunteer Engagement is dedicated to enhancing the volunteer experience across Johns Hopkins University and Medicine. The office provides institution-wide resources, communications, and engagement opportunities for more than 2,000 individual volunteer leaders. Our mission is to cultivate our growing volunteer network in meaningful ways that are personally impactful for them, resulting in pride, support, and affinity for Johns Hopkins.

Contact Us

Erin Yun – Director, Volunteer

Yoo Jin Lee – Associate Director, Volunteer Engagement –

General Phone Number: 667-306-9131

General Email:

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