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Give and Receive Income

A charitable remainder unitrust offers a flexible way to make a significant gift that benefits you now and Johns Hopkins later.

A small rectangular-shaped image of a cover of a brochure that has a purple background, small images of three people, and text about giving through a charitable remainder trust.Your benefits could include:

  • An income tax deduction
  • Favorable treatment of capital gains tax
  • The option to fund the trust with a gift of cash, appreciated securities, real estate, or business interests

How it works:

  • Establish a standard charitable remainder unitrust with a minimum of $100,000. Payments to beneficiaries begin as soon as the trust is funded. Upon the trust’s termination, Johns Hopkins receives the remaining balance to support the purpose you designated.

How to make your gift:

  • Contact the Office of Gift Planning to speak with an advisor who will prepare a charitable remainder unitrust proposal. Call 800-548-1268 or email
  • Calculate your potential benefits now by using our gift calculator.

Is a charitable remainder unitrust right for you? The Office of Gift Planning’s Anne Doyle shares more on this unique giving option. You can also view our charitable remainder trust information sheet.


What Will Your Legacy Be?

Fulfill your financial goals and help Johns Hopkins with thoughtful gift planning.

Why I Give

"We've been so involved in the international epidemiological clinical network and know so well the need," said Suzanne Wright Fletcher, who, along with her husband Robert and sisters, supports a scholarship for the Bloomberg School of Health.

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