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ONEHopkins Reaches New Heights

May 13, 2019

Annual day of giving engages nearly 1,500 members of the Johns Hopkins University and Medicine community

You don’t have to be a millionaire to make your mark at Johns Hopkins — you just have to participate! That message shined through on May 1, when alumni, parents, faculty and staff, and friends collectively made gifts totaling $660,840 for ONEHopkins. The annual day of giving benefits all Hopkins schools and divisions, from Homewood to East Baltimore and beyond.

Peruse the infographic below to see results from ONEHopkins 2019.

A collage illustrates key achievements of ONEHopkins 2019, which attracted 1,490 donors from 45 states and 13 countries, a 28 percent increase from last year's total.


Need a larger view? Take a look at the infographic as a PDF.


Make Your Gift

Missed out on ONEHopkins? There's still time to give to any part of Hopkins that matters to you

Topics: Alumni, Faculty and Staff, Friends of Johns Hopkins Medicine, Parents, Fuel Discovery, Promote and Protect Health, Strengthening Partnerships, Support Scholars