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Donor Advised Fund

Establish one source of charitable giving through the Johns Hopkins Donor Advised Fund (DAF) and simplify your giving to Johns Hopkins and other charitable organizations.

Front of Johns Hopkins donor advised fund brochure has a red background.Your benefits include:

  • An income tax deduction for the full amount of your gift to establish or add to a DAF account
  • A charitable legacy for you and your family without the costly and complicated rules for a private foundation
  • Johns Hopkins’ expertise in fund distribution, investment, and administration

How it works:

  • Establish a DAF account with a gift of $100,000 or more in cash, stock, or other assets in your or a loved one’s name to serve as a central source for your philanthropy.
  • Recommend distributions in the form of grants to Johns Hopkins and other charitable organizations.
  • Johns Hopkins administers the payments and paperwork and provides a detailed annual report.

Front of Johns Hopkins Donor Advised Fund Policies and Guidelines booklet has images of medicine students and students in commencement regalia.How to make your gift:


What Will Your Legacy Be?

Choose a gift that is right for you and your goals.

Why I Give

“I think it’s important to stand in for them, to be their representative, their voice, and to give back in their place,” says Mayer Warner Martin of the patients served by the Johns Hopkins Community Psychiatry Program.

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