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An Easy Way to Leave a Legacy

Naming Johns Hopkins as a beneficiary of your retirement plan is one of the most efficient ways to support our future.

A thumbnail image of the cover of a print brochure titled Give Retirement Assets.Your benefits include:

  • Flexibility to take withdrawals and adjust beneficiary designations during your lifetime
  • Favorable tax results for your heirs

How it works:

  • You can name Johns Hopkins as a sole beneficiary, co-beneficiary, or contingent beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other tax-deferred retirement plan.
  • After your lifetime, the residue of your plan passes to Johns Hopkins tax-free and to any other named heirs.

How to make your gift:

1.  Request a beneficiary designation form from your retirement plan administrator.

2. Contact the Johns Hopkins Office of Gift Planning for next steps at 410-516-7954 or

To learn more, view the retirement assets information sheet.

Note: If you’re 70 ½ or older, you can transfer assets from a traditional IRA directly to Johns Hopkins to make an immediate gift and/or a one-time distribution to establish a charitable gift annuity.


What Will Your Legacy Be?

Further your financial goals and help Johns Hopkins with thoughtful gift planning.

Why I Give

"I wanted to start seeing an impact right away. I wanted a near-term and long-term vision," says Annie Marie Garraway of her gifts to support The Levi Watkins Jr., MD, Endowed Scholarship Fund.

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