Best Practices for Volunteer Leaders

Elevate your role at Johns Hopkins through these basic steps

The Johns Hopkins University and Medicine network of leadership volunteers consists of more than 2,000 (and counting) extremely talented and dedicated individuals, ranging from members of boards of trustees, to divisional and departmental advisory boards and council representatives, to alumni leaders, and more. Although the specific needs and purpose of each board or council may vary based on the school, division, or community it supports — and acknowledging individuals who serve in multiple volunteer capacities — there are some basic steps volunteers can take to get the most out of their roles while still supporting the mission and priorities of Johns Hopkins.

As volunteer leaders — through supporting Johns Hopkins through philanthropy, providing professional insight and expertise, and serving as compelling advocates — you are helping to extend and strengthen our philanthropic reach through your networks.  Your participation and partnership are essential to the current and future successes of our institution. We are thankful for your service and look forward to growing and succeeding together.

If you have any questions or would like more details on how to get involved, visit our webpage or email us at

Topics: Alumni, Friends of Johns Hopkins Medicine, Parents, Johns Hopkins