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A Legacy of Community Care

February 12, 2019

Sibley Memorial Hospital and Patty Mason go way back. She graduated from high school in 1962, the year after the hospital was built in its current location on Loughboro Road, a few blocks from the family home.

two women sitting in front of a brightly light window posing for a photo
Patty Mason (left) and Erica Richards (right)

“Sibley was always very friendly, with a wonderful, warm, neighborhood feeling,” Mason recalls. Her father, T. Douglas Noble, MD, a psychiatrist who specialized in psychoanalysis, was an old friend of Zigmond Lebensohn, MD, the former chief of psychiatry at Sibley. Dr. Noble, who had a private practice, consulted on difficult cases and, when needed, admitted his patients to Sibley until his death in 1986. Mason’s mother, an artist, for a time led an art therapy program at the hospital, and one of her canvases still hangs in the Behavioral Health Program clinic.

After Mason retired, she began volunteering at the hospital’s front desk. She has been serving for more than a decade and recently made a generous planned gift in honor of her parents. “I felt strongly that when I retired, I needed to give back,” she says. “And since Sibley and I have had this lifelong connection, I came here.”

For more information about making a gift to Sibley through your will or estate, or to learn about other planned giving options, please contact Carol Shannon at the Sibley Foundation at [email protected] or 202-537-4257.

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Topics: Friends of Johns Hopkins Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine