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July 28, 2022

A personal experience at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital drives Kemp family’s support

Every day, thousands of people smile, nod, and give a little donation to make a big difference.

There are many ways to support Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida. At Phase Three Star, CEO Jack Kemp created an opportunity for his employees and community to get involved every time a food order is placed at one of his company’s nearly 80 Hardee’s locations.

Day after day, his team members ask customers if they would like to give, and, day after day, people do so. With this steady effort, Kemp’s restaurants raised $120,000 in 2020 alone.

“That number represents a lot of hard work,” Kemp says. “It symbolizes about 120,000 interactions, each time when a team member asked a customer if they’re willing to give and the customer agreed.”

Giving Becomes Personal

Funds raised this way go directly to the Johns Hopkins All Children’s Foundation. Kemp joined the Foundation Board in 2016, a few months after launching his first register campaign for the hospital. A short time later, his support became personal.

The Kemp family, comprising of Jack, his wife, their son, and two daughters, pose for the camera in cheerful spring attire.
For the Kemp family, Johns Hopkins All Children’s is near and dear to their community.

In September 2017, Kemp’s daughter, Mary, was about to start kindergarten, but something was wrong. She went to bed early and had a slight fever the next day. The family turned for help to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.

Tests revealed that Mary had a staph infection that was causing her skin to peel. Mary was wrapped in bandages — “like a mummy,” Kemp recalls — and put on intense antibiotics. The treatment worked. Three days later, Mary was unwrapped and discharged.

Mary remembers her experience at Johns Hopkins All Children’s fondly. Her care team was kind and thoughtful. They treated her like royalty, tending to her every need. For her dad, the experience was eye-opening.

“At the time, I didn’t fully appreciate how serious Mary’s condition was, even though I was with her at the hospital 24/7,” he says. “I had so much confidence in the team that I didn’t take it in until later that if the treatment hadn’t worked, her next stop would have been the burn unit.”

Because of the care Mary received, when she and her siblings set up a lemonade stand, they happily give the money they raise to the hospital.

Mary’s experience also encouraged Kemp and wife Erin to spearhead the annual Ties and Tiaras event, held each February in Tampa.

Giving Creates Winners All Around

Kemp’s trust in the level of care his daughter received further drives his support for the Foundation. For Kemp, it’s a win all around. He knows his company’s fundraising efforts give other parents the same confidence in the hospital when they need it most. The customers who donate at the register feel good about supporting kids and the restaurants benefit by having employees engaged in the campaign with enthusiasm.

“Johns Hopkins All Children’s is near and dear to our community,” says Erica Hough, associate director of corporate engagement for Johns Hopkins All Children’s Foundation. “Business support for the hospital demonstrates a commitment to the local community. This ensures care remains here for children and increases employee and customer loyalty.”

This story originally appeared in For the Kids.

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Topics: Corporations, Friends of Johns Hopkins Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Promote and Protect Health, Strengthening Partnerships