More than 120 Johns Hopkins Legacy Society members and guests filled the ballroom of the Sagamore Pendry in Baltimore for the Fourth Annual Johns Hopkins Legacy Society Luncheon.
“Legacy giving has always been at the heart of Johns Hopkins, and today we are proud to celebrate you and 1,735 fellow Legacy Society members who have made a commitment to Johns Hopkins through their estate plans or life income gifts,” said Schroeder before introducing Kahn.
Kahn, an expert in bioethics and health practice and policy, spoke about the ethics surrounding recent and emerging reproductive technologies, including the case of a “savior sibling” and the implications it raises in preventing disease in families.
The Johns Hopkins Legacy Society was established in 2011 as the overarching legacy society for Johns Hopkins University and Medicine.
To learn more about making a gift to support Johns Hopkins’ future or to share your plans, please contact us.
Topics: Alumni, Faculty and Staff, Friends of Johns Hopkins Medicine