A chef in New York City struggling with anxiety. A teenager seeking to make a difference through her mitzvah project. A graduate student unable to go home to Turkey to see his family.
These are just three of the tens of thousands of people from around the world who made a gift to Johns Hopkins’ COVID-19 response funds.
Through the generosity of these people, Johns Hopkins has been able to equip our front-line health care workers to provide critical care to patients suffering from COVID-19. These gifts also have empowered Hopkins researchers from across the institution to conduct studies that contribute to the global understanding of the disease and how to treat it.
In the process, these donors have inspired us with their stories, some of which we’ve collected on this page.
Our thanks to each of them — and to all of you — for your support of Johns Hopkins.
Topics: Friends of Johns Hopkins Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Promote and Protect Health