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Information for Netherlands Taxpayers

Information for Netherlands taxpayers

The Johns Hopkins (USA) Foundation Limited

If you are a taxpayer in the Netherlands, you may make a tax-efficient gift through the Johns Hopkins University (USA) Foundation as it qualifies as an ANBI.

This document is a Policy Plan, which is required to obtain a Dutch Public Benefit Organization status (“ANBI-status”). It is reviewed whenever a significant change occurs to the Foundation or, at a minimum, once every three years.

The name of the entity is THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY (USA) FOUNDATION LIMITED (“the Foundation”).

The RSIN (Dutch Tax ID) is 825715374.

The contact person for the Foundation is

Ms. Eileen Flood
19 Norcott Rd
N16 7EJ London
+44 207 502 2813 

ANBI Policy Plan Abstract

The Foundation is governed in accordance with its “Memorandum and Articles of Association,” as summarized below.

The Foundation’s objects are to advance education in particular by providing grants to The Johns Hopkins University and to other educational institutions to assist in the advancement of education of students attending the institutions.

The Foundation receives funds from donors and sources throughout Europe, including the United Kingdom’s Gift Aid scheme. The funds are converted to dollars at the Foundation’s bank and granted, on a regular basis, to The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, where they are used to support the university’s mission:

“To educate its students and cultivate their capacity for lifelong learning, to foster independent and original research, and to bring the benefits of discovery to the world.”

The Foundation may provide further details on its policies and/or supply a copy of its “Memorandum and Articles of Association” upon written request.


 As per Jan. 1, 2021, the following directors were appointed to manage the business of the Foundation.

Mrs. Meghana N. Lane
16 Queensberry Mews West
London, SW7 2DU
United Kingdom

Mrs. Lucy Panter
25 St. James’s Street
London, SW1A 1HA
United Kingdom

Mr. Christopher Drennen
10 Harewood Avenue
London, NW1 6AA
United Kingdom

Payment Policy

The income and property of the Foundation shall be applied solely toward the promotion of its objects stated above. No dividends shall be paid to shareholders and no part shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to shareholders or directors of the Foundation except for payment in good faith of reasonable operational expenses, as defined in the Foundation’s “Memorandum and Articles of Association.”

 Financial Statement and Report of Activities

 The Foundation’s most recent financial statement and report of activities is posted here.

Banking Details


CAF Bank Ltd
25 Kings Hill Avenue
Kings Hill
West Malling
ME19 4JQ

CAF Bank
25 Kings Hill Avenue,
Kings Hill
West Malling
ME19 4TA
Account#: 00012941
Sort Code: 40-52-40

For International Payments (funds coming from outside the UK only)

Bank – HSBC City Corporate Banking Centre
Account Number – 72138549
Sort Code – 40-05-30
IBAN No – GB53CAFB40524000012941
Account Name – CAF Bank Ltd
For Credit to: Johns Hopkins University (USA) Foundation Ltd, Account # 00012941

Further banking details are available here.